Saytimizdagi elektron kitoblarni 3 usulda o'qish mumkin: kitobxon mobil ilovasi, kitobxon windows dasturi yoki onlayn sayt orqali
BatafsilKetma-ketlik bo‘yicha tavsiya: saytda qanday ro'yxatdan o'tish, saytdagi shaxsiy hisobni qanday to'ldirish mumkin, kerak bo'lgan kitob uchun qanday to'lovni amalga oshirish
BatafsilHurmatli mualliflar: Saytimizda asarlaringiz joylashtirilishini (yoki saytdan o‘chirilishini) istasangiz biz bilan shartnoma tuzish uchun bog‘lanishingizni so‘raymiz.
BatafsilAgar men O‘zbekistonda bo'lmasam, qanday qilib kitob sotib olishim mumkin?
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O'zbek (kir), Ingliz
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Тадбирнинг бориши
Бошловчи. Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start our party? Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about winter, Christmas and New Year!
Ўқитувчиўқувчиларниолқишлайдивауларгатадбирмавзусиниэълонқилади. ЎқитувчитадбирниолибборадиваҚишкостюминикийиболган.
Бошловчи. I am winter. It is very cold. The ground is covered with snow. There is ice on the river. When I come, all rivers and lakes are frozen. The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer. Today we have three teams: their names are winter months. Now you can see the captains and listen to their stories.
(3 ўқувч қиш ойлари – декабрь, январь, февраль костюмларида кириб келишади. Бу ўқувчилар гуруҳ сардорлари ҳисобланади.)
Бошловчи. Now it is time to start our competition. Our teams are ready with the poems and we shall listen to them with great pleasure.