Saytimizdagi elektron kitoblarni 3 usulda o'qish mumkin: kitobxon mobil ilovasi, kitobxon windows dasturi yoki onlayn sayt orqali
BatafsilKetma-ketlik bo‘yicha tavsiya: saytda qanday ro'yxatdan o'tish, saytdagi shaxsiy hisobni qanday to'ldirish mumkin, kerak bo'lgan kitob uchun qanday to'lovni amalga oshirish
BatafsilHurmatli mualliflar: Saytimizda asarlaringiz joylashtirilishini (yoki saytdan o‘chirilishini) istasangiz biz bilan shartnoma tuzish uchun bog‘lanishingizni so‘raymiz.
BatafsilAgar men O‘zbekistonda bo'lmasam, qanday qilib kitob sotib olishim mumkin?
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The authors of the book are famous scientists: D.A. Alimova - Professor, Doctor of historical science and M.I. Filanovich Candidate of historical sciences introduce the readers to the history of the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Tashkent - which is one of the most ancient towns of Central Asia. The book is created on the base of comprehensive analysis of historical sources, materials of archeological excavations of the recent years and achievements of the republic reached during the years of sovereignty.
The second edition is added with materials based on the latest information of archeological excavations carried out in the framework of preparation for 2200th anniversary of Tashkent.
The book is intended for the wide reader community.