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Yusuf and Zulaikha

Yusuf and Zulaikha
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Китоб маҳсулотларининг характеристикалари, етказиб бериш шартлари, ташқи кўриниши ва ранги ҳақидаги маълумотлар фақат маълумот учун мўлжалланган ва жойлаштирилган пайтда мавжуд бўлган энг сўнгги маълумотларга асосланади.
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  • Аннотация
  • Фикр ва мулоҳазалар
Yusuf and Zulaikha’s love story is one of the ancient, people’s unique and blessed Love poems of the countries. It has been expounded in prose. This great love story describes the way of life of characters, their difficulties, love disease in a different way, not similar to others, It convinces that the divine feelings and the victory of honesty, truth have been achieved after the difficulties and hardship.
The main task of the book is to glorify Love and to highlight work, torture, suffering, separation in the way of love. In fact this story describes a female love and praises it. The readers will be aware of the pure, beautiful love feelings, faithfulness of a woman in the process of events of the story.
The author is neither specialist in literature nor journalist; she is the doctor of agricultural science, professor, and academician of Turon academy of science. Before writing this story in prose the author read the poem “Yusuf and Zulaikha” written by Abdurrahman Jami and Ramiz Bobojon. Besides, she acquainted with a lot of information about the poem. In this poem, the author used tropes and details, which are not like others; mostly she also used comparisons, addressing to the nature.
Nowadays, the poem “Yusuf and Zulaikha”is read by many people with great interest too. It is used as a textbook of schools, lyceums, professional colleges, higher educational establishments. It is included into the group of Literature used for Bachelor’s degree of philological sciences, students of Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree who are working at scientific researches, specialists or people of different ages, who are interested in the love story of Yusuf and Zulaikha.
The author will expect the critical views on this love story and will thank beforehand for those readers who have experienced the separation and meetings in the love garden.
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